Sunday, September 27, 2009


I got this questionnaire from Sapphire -
thank you so much Sapphire ♥ :-)
So here it is....
1. How long have you been using PSP, PS?
Well its now been about 2.5 yrs or so....
Wow where has the time gone?
And i am still really learning.
2. How did you get into making tags, scrapkits?
My friend showed me the program.
I then joined some groups on Myspace.
And i was instantly frustrated rofl.
So i took more time and learned and
was hooked from there on out making tags.
Then i met a wonderful women
named Farrah and she taught me most of
what i needed to know to create scrap kits.
3. Who`s your fave artist?
Wow…Well i have many lol....
But my faves are probably Ismael Rac,
Keith Garvey, and Elias Chatzoudis,
Suzanne Woolcott and Pinup Toons.
although I have quite a few from other artist also.
Each artist is unique in their own way.
I love art.
4.Who`s your favourite Scrap Designer?
I have lots of favorite designers
but my most favorite is
Kay Miller.....
I absolutely love her work.
I also really like the kits from
Tamie and Vicki of Pink Pleasures Scraps,
Osa Hunni, Farrah and so many others
it would take me all day to list them...
5. Which three blogs do you visit everyday?
Well I can’t say I visit any blogs every single day
as I don’t always have time to blog hop.
If you’re a friend and a blogger though,
chances are I visit your blog every chance I can.
Now i have to choose 3 people to pass this on to, so i choose:

Sunday, September 20, 2009


I have a new kit for you.
It's Called 5 Little Monkey's.
The idea came from seeing the
monkeys that a fellow designer created
and also seeing how i have 5 kiddos.
A huge THANK YOU goes out to
allowing me to use her monkey's for CU.
Stop by her blog for some awesome freebies.
If you download it please leave some love.
It doesn't take but a second to leave a message
on either 4-shared or my chat box. The last
kit i did i had over 400 downloads and
about 12 people leave a thank you.
You may download it here.
Do not share it send others to my blog for it.


Sunday, September 13, 2009

Sorry For Not Posting Latley

Its been forever since i posted on the blog......
Summer time got hectic with the kids home...
and i was enjoying the last month of having
my youngest and oldest at home with me.......
My oldest leaves the 23rd for college so i have been
busy getting her ready to go......
And my youngest starts kindergarten tomorrow...
Talk about heart wrenching.....
I am so not ready for either to happen.
And as many of you know with an Autistic child
this is turning his world upside down..
He is very close to both girls and doesn't
want the big sister leaving at all....
and the little sister is "HIS" baby and he wants
to be in her class so no kids can bully her...
So there has been some HUGE adjustments going on for us...
Plus i found out that my 9 yr old needs to see a pedietric surgeon
for some issues that has taken us totally by surprise.....
So keep Him in your prayers please..
A side from daily life i almost have my Holloween kit done.
Then i will be starting on a kit called 5 Little Monkeys.
This kit has been inspired when i seen a couple little
monkeys on Osa's blog here..
She has been such a doll to allow me to use them as CU's.
Thank you Osa......